Introduction to Computers and the Internet

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
OADM 1116
Introduction to Computers and the Internet
Office Administration
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
10 weeks X 5 hours/week = 50 hours/semester
Max class size
Contact hours
5 hours per week 50 hours per semester
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

Communication between instructor and students will be conducted online using the WebCT email, discussion and chat utilities.  The instructor will guide the students through a series of learning objectives using motivation and online instruction.

Course description
This is a BCCampus online provincial course. The course is broken into two sections. The Internet section is designed to provide you with an introduction to the Internet including, email basics and advanced features, web browser basics, web navigation, web research and newsgroups. The Windows section is designed to provide you with an introduction to Microsoft Windows 98/2000 Professional and XP versions. You will learn to manipulate the Windows environment, use Windows Accessories and use My Computer and Windows Explorer to manage files and folders.
Course content

The following sections will be covered.  Hours for each section are indicated in parentheses.

  • Internet Basics (2.5)
  • Yahoo Mail (8)
  • World Wide Web (2)
  • Web Navigation (4)
  • Web Research (4)
  • USENET Newsgroups (2)
  • Windows Basics (2)
  • Working in Windows (3)
  • Windows Features (4)
  • WordPad (4)
  • File Management (5)
  • Custom Windows (2)
  • Windows Tools (3)
  • Windows Review (3)
  • Final Test (1.5)
  • Total Hours 50
Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Internet section of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand Internet basics including its history, connectivity, viruses, and copyright issues.
  • Use Yahoo Email Program to create an email Yahoo account
  • Use Advanced Email and Communications Tools for sending, receiving, forwarding, saving, and attaching documents as well as use the address book
  • Understand Browser Basics in Explore and Netscape, and use bookmarks and security features
  • Use Web Search Tools and search engines
  • Find Information on the Web in areas such as travel, job search, Canada Post and Canada 411
  • Use USENET Newsgroup for searching and posting


Upon successful completion of the Windows section of this course you will be able to:

  • Communicate knowledge of basic computer hardware and software operating systems
  • Exhibit ethical behaviour with respect to copyright of software and sharing of disks and information
  • Create, manage, and manipulate files and folders
  • Recognize and accept that computer hardware and software problems are a natural part of learning and working with computers
  • Demonstrate acceptable health and safety standards when working with computer equipment and facilities
Means of assessment

Internet Section – 50 % of final mark:

  • Graded Assignment #1-Using Yahoo! Email
  • Graded Assignment #2-Web Navigation
  • Graded Assignment #3-Web Research
  • Graded Assignment #4-Travel Planning
  • Graded Assignment #5-Job Search
  • Graded Assignment #6-Newsgroup Research

Windows Section – 50% of final mark:

  • Graded Assignment #1-Using Windows Help
  • Graded Assignment #2-Working with Files & Folders
  • Graded Assignment #3-Final Test
Textbook materials

There is no text for this course. However, you will require access to the Internet and at least two floppy disks.  You will also require access to a PC with Windows 98, 2000 or Windows XP.


OADM 1104 Online Learner Success