
Reading & Writing Fundamental Support 2

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
English Upgrading
Course code
ENGU 0200
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This is a reading, writing and student skills course designed to assist those needing preparation for 200 level course work. Skills introduced/reviewed will include basic reading strategies appropriate to success and guided writing experiences designed to develop greater volume, clarity and precision of expression. Attention will be given to developing attitudes and behaviours appropriate to academic success. Reading materials will include newspaper and periodical articles and published essays as well as student essays.
Course content


Students will be provided with guided experiences in:

  • Reading critically and carefully materials from a variety of sources at varied levels of difficulty
  • Identifying the main idea/thesis
  • Identifying topic sentences
  • Distinguishing main ideas from supporting details
  • Recognizing biased, emotionally loaded language
  • Using context to deal with unfamiliar terms in reading
  • Text-marking techniques


Students will be provided with guided experiences in:

  • Using free writing and webbing as prewriting techniques
  • Writing personal narratives and opinion pieces
  • Revising for clarity and vividness
  • Editing for those areas of mechanics and usage where there are demonstrated problems
  • Using audience response to inform the personal development of writing style and structure

Student Skills

Experience and modeling will be provided in:

  • Being punctual
  • Arriving for classes prepared
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Using appropriate participation skills and developing cooperative learning skills
Learning activities

Classroom instruction will include small and large group discussion, individual in-class and outside assignments.  Students will keep a portfolio of course work, particularly writing, which will be regularly examined by the instructor.  Feedback to students will be provided in class, in individual conference times and within the portfolio.

Means of assessment

A mastery model of ongoing evaulation will be used. Ongoing progress will be monitored by the instructor and frequent feedback provided to each student. Portfolio contents will form the basis for a more thorough assessment and development of strategies for success. Course credit will be granted to students who consistently work toward course objectives and improve their readiness. The following is one example of assessment components and weighting:

  • Weekly Reading Assignments in-class    15%
  • 4 Punctuation or Grammar Quizzes        15%
  • In-Class Assignments (vocabulary etc.,) 10%
  • Weekly Writing Assignments in-class      15%
  • Out of class writing                               15%
  • Midterm                                               10%
  • Final                                                    10%
  • Class participation and Attendance         10%
Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, successful students will demonstrate skills in the following areas:

 Student Skills    

  • further develop appropriate attitudes necessary for academic success 
  • acquire an initial familiarity with, and some confidence in, the discussion of ideas in an academic context
  • develop the values and skills of collaborative learning


  • further develop an awareness of varied kinds of texts and employ strategies appropriate to aiding comprehension
  • use title, subheads, illustrations and topic sentences to forecast meaning and scope
  • use context cues as well as the dictionary/thesaurus to extend receptive vocabulary
  • identify the author's main idea/thesis


  • begin to use webbing and free writing as prewriting strategies
  • begin to identify and self-correct sentence fragments and run-ons
  • move toward multi-paragraph compositions
  • improve depth and specificity in the writing of well-formed paragraphs
  • begin to make use of a thesaurus as a writing aid and as a means of moving receptive vocabulary into active use
  • begin to distinguish oral forms from the Standard English required for academic writing
  • actively consider audience in every writing assignment
Textbook materials

Texts/books available in Literacy library. Any other resources required to be purchased by students (e.g. Students are required to supply a three-ring binder, paper, eraser, pen and pencil.)



Enrollment at either of the two levels: ENGU 0146 or 0156, or ENGU placement test and interview




No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for ENGU 0200
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Summer 2025

section details
CRN Days Instructor Status More details
Maximum seats
Currently enrolled
Remaining seats:
On waitlist
New Westminster - South Bldg.
Start Time
End Time
Section notes

ENGU 0200 050 - This course is tuition free for domestic students. This course is cross-listed with ENGU 0150 050.