Lecture/Seminar: 2 hours lecture & 2 hours seminar
Hybrid: Alternating weeks of
- 2 hours lecture and 2 hours seminar
- 4 hours online
In-class lectures in a computer lab and/or on-line
1. Use the DuPont Model and ratio analysis to analyze financial statements
- Read financial statements properly
- Adjust financial statements
- Analyze financial statements
- Communicate results
2. Apply the Data Analytics Process
- Identify a quesion
- Manage data
- Perform test plan
- Address and refine results
- Communicate insights
- Track outcomes
3. Financial Modeling
- Design and create an interactive financial model using an appropriate data analytics tool
- Design the layout of the model clearly and logically
- Create clearly defined inputs and assumption sections
- Build powerful scenarios
- Incorporate all related schedules
4. Design and create a Dashboard using an appropriate data analytics tool
- Evaluate existing data
- Define and calculate Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Design charts and graphs for KPI
- Present dashboard
Upon completion of this course, the successful sturdent will be able to:
- Analyze financial statements using data analytics
- Use information from automated data capture to form and analyze financial statements
- Access, examine and integrate different data files
- Analyze data patterns, identify discrepancies and extract unusual items
- Examine financial data for existence of misrepresentations in areas such as matched or unmatched records, duplication and limit violation
- Design and construct financial models
- Create dashboards
- Apply the data analytics process to communucate insights and track outcomes
Assessment will be based on course objectives and will be carried out in accordance with the vlogýEvaluation Policy.
Projects: A minimum of two separate group data analytics projects 40% - 50%
A minimum of two separate individual data analytics projects 30%
(a mininum of 10% should be assigned to each project,
no project should be assigned more than 40%)
Final Exam 20%-30%
To pass this course, students must obtain a minimum of 50% on invigilated assessments, with the 50% calculated on a weighted average basis.
Invigilated assessments include, in-class quizzes, in-class tests, midterm exam(s) and the final exam.
Data Analytics for Accounting, Richardson, Teeter, Terrall, latest international edition
other textbook(s) and/or material approved by the department
(ACCT 1210 OR ACCT 1235 OR ACCT 3008) and (CSIS 1190 or CSIS 2200)
Or currently active in
- PDD Accounting
- PDD Data Analytics
Or (ACCT 1210 OR ACCT 1235) and currently active in
- PBD Accounting and Finance
- PDD Accounting Studies
- PBD Accounting
Or permission of the instructor
A minimum grade of C is required in all courses.